Getting away from the fear porn merchants, rage baiters, pedants and grifters
Agendas behind the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood
The East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood saga rolls on...
Readings on the ever deepening weirdness we're in
What is the petition calling for another general election about?
The Charge of the Light Brigade v2
A response to a B24/7 article about the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood
Some thoughts on stability and change
Get the stickers out and the posters up...
I'm back to commenting on the weirdness...
A slippery slope to an ever more dystopian future?
Narrowing down the parameters of discussion
Stating the bleeding obvious...
Too much change, too much turmoil
It's a's also class war
Being politically homeless and walking my own path
So, what the heck was that all about?
Problem, reaction, solution - how it's playing out so far
This is what a lack of trust looks like...
Beware of false idols, grifters and divide and rule merchants
Now the election theatrics are over...
It's all so f***ing predictable, isn't it?
Resisting the drumbeats of war
Are we being sucked into the war psyops?
Firstly, they turn their backs...
Some brief thoughts on local elections and disengagement
Time for some honest reflection? We can but hope...
What a legacy to leave behind...
15 minute cities revisited...yet again!
Are things really getting weird?
Cultural identity, class and change
The renegades within our communities
Conflicting signals and where do we go from here?
Well, let's see what happens...
Trying to deal with absolutists
Falling straight into two camps
Clamping down on the right to protest
The war on movement revisited...
Nuance, grey areas and actually listening
Is 'culture wars' a valid concept?
Difficult definitions - 'white working class' and 'white privilege'
Are we being nudged towards a war with Russia?