May 13Liked by The Stirrer

I'm less concerned about protestors wearing the medical masks because they fear they will infect others with something or be infected themselves (I can't change their beliefs) than I am about the normalisation amongst a group with certain political leanings of such "totalitarian facewear", as CJ calls it. I don't think these protestors are wearing them to avoid infection, but to remain anonymous, but for someone to be able to slap on one of these things today means that they don't have a problem with them per se, whereas I definitely do and would not be able to join such a protest. And CJ is right - they were introduced as a symbol of control, obedience, fear, moral superiority and following the herd. His point had nothing to do with being pro or contra Israel or Palestine - he was pointing out that the powers behind the masking nonsense are exactly the same ones who are behind the slaughter in Gaza. I'm really surprised Cudenec can't see this, or even thinks attacking CJ is going to be helpful in any way to anyone but these said powers. But there we are!

I had some interesting conversations with some other commentors on CJ's original post about what happened. I think what's going on is that we are all susceptible to falling for narratives which make us the Goodies and the others the Baddies. Paul is apparently no exception to this. Until we can step back and see these dynamics for what they are - divide and rule, as you say - we just going to go round in circles within the mad system.

On masks this was well worth the watch - Gary Sidley recently laying it all out: https://youtu.be/54FYrwbHz9s?si=KorLQbNM9igiXAY5

And something else that sprang to mind while reading your post was this - on a more esoteric note! This is what Gigi Young, a psychic, wrote on her YouTube Community page after 7th October last year:

"A New Polarization of the People

While there has been a significant awakening of the public through the last few years of Medical Tyranny, much of the 'alternative media' is still failing to recognize the deeper elements of current events.

This is because popular conservative commentators have enjoyed immense wealth and praise, not for their deep thoughts and analysis, but rather for their courage to assert common sense principals.

Common sense insights like: a man is a man and a woman is a woman, do not castrate children, and, that demographics play a role in the development of society, have driven the dialog of the political right. Ultimately, their courage to assert simple common sense has lead many to view these individuals as the protectors of liberty and meaning. And, perhaps in that era they were, however, times are changing. Fast.

A new polarization is now emerging, surface level thought, or the general preservation of the status quo, is no longer enough to solve the geo-political problems that now confront us. At this point, a deeper level of analysis and education on how the world actually works is needed.

The failure to directly confront the hidden forces behind the current uprisings in the Middle East is turning people who were once a helpful, progressive influence into regressive voices seemingly over night.

Through naivety, cowardice or corruption many of the people we have put our hope in are now failing us.

To lead and solve problems the knowledge of the spiritual forces and the hidden powers that pull the strings behind all governments is required. There will be no genuine advancement of our culture until that deeper level of analysis is taken on. Individuals who refuse to engage at that level will lose their influence and those who are capable will rise. Truth is life.

The real question now is: do we have to enter into WWIII to finally confront the banking cartel and psychotic individuals that run the world? Do we have to be pawns in the game of global domination and reduce millions of innocent people into abject poverty, and even death, just to realize that the corruption is centralized into the hands of a few? Or can we have the tact, selflessness and bravery to confront these realities now.

May the Spirit of Michael lead us all."

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I have to admit that this very public spat between Paul Cudenec and C J Hopkins has left me feeling more than a bit demoralised. It seems that there's less and less room for respectful and open debate while at the same time, there are too many people who are only too quick to take offence, fuelling division and polarisation. Which for those pushing the agenda of the great reset is perfect. I hope I'm getting to the point in life where I can admit to doubt, not knowing all of the answers and being prepared to admit that I may need to rethink or refine my ideas and writing.

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May 15Liked by The Stirrer

Yes. CJ's response, though I believe the point he is making is right, has not been conducive to helpful debate. I understand he is under huge pressure and cannot help but see things others evidently can't, but it's all sounding very childish in tone.

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May 13Liked by The Stirrer

Even the good people who stood against the covid tyranny are not immune to a manipulation.

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May 13Liked by The Stirrer

Masks are now in the rubble with pet rocks and beanie babies.

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