This post has been written and published out of a sense of utter frustration and, a fair degree of anger. It’s not aimed at any of my subscribers or the wider readership of this blog, who I assume are sussed enough to not fall for the allure of so called ‘alternative’ politicians such as Trump in the United States or Farage here in Britain. It’s squarely aimed at those who, despite what has been done to us over the last five years with the Covid lockdowns and the relentless imposition of the great reset, still think that their salvation lies in the ballot box. Sadly this includes some of the people I marched alongside on the anti-lockdown/anti-vaccine mandate protests I attended in 2021. It would appear that the message of not trusting any government didn’t sink in. So, the message has to be constantly repeated in the hope that eventually, it will get through.
One of the means I’ve chosen to try to get people to pause and think is memes. Specifically those shown above. All of which are copyright free so, if you like the message, feel free to share and use as you see fit. They’re also all high resolution so, if you want to use any, or even all of these for stickers, please be my guest:) If you want to use the text but come up with your own designs, here it is:
Meme 1
Radical change comes from all of us working together at the grassroots.
It doesn’t come from self appointed ‘leaders’, charlatans and grifters.
Don’t let yourself get played by them!
Meme 2
There are NO heroes in government...
There NEVER WILL BE any heroes, regardless of how you vote
Meme 3
You know how every few years you decide on a new set of heroes to worship, and then they all disappoint you?
And then a few years later you decide on a new set of heroes to worship, and then they all disappoint you?
And then you decide on a new set of heroes.
You know?...
Johnny Vedmore
Meme 4
Stop believing in authority
Start believing in each other
Reproducing the text for these memes is also for the benefit of anyone who is visually impaired and has to use a voice reader to access blog posts. It’s not being ‘woke’ doing this, it’s simply an act of common decency.
Below are a number of posts I’ve written from various angles, all pointing out that a misplaced faith in politicians offering a so called alternative is misguided at best, and downright dangerous at the worst. I make no apology for linking to them and posting key parts of them because, it’s a case of whatever it takes to make sure the message gets across.
Bombarded from all sides but fighting back 3.2.25
As for the likes of Farage, Trump and Musk, while some may regard them as ‘anti-establishment’ heroes, they’re in place to do the dirty work for a criminocratic system that’s in a massive state of flux at the moment. They’re there for a reason but, not the one that many people uncritically assume to be. It’s fascinating but also, pretty bloody alarming how, after what’s been done to us over the last five years, that people are still looking to some kind of leader figure to ‘save’ them when all they’re going to do is screw you right over. Something that a lot of Trump supporters will be finding out the hard way sooner rather than later.
Fun and games to come in 2025? 6.1.25
While the likes of Farage (now getting disowned by Musk) may pretend to be the friend of ordinary people, these f**kers are just one of the factions of the elite. They’re there doing the dirty work for some seriously rich people whose agenda can best be described as techno-feudalism. Anyone who hangs onto the words of these charlatans richly deserves to be described as a ‘useful idiot’. As for Tommy Robinson, he’s an Israeli state asset working to their agenda. These people have a knack for latching onto legitimate concerns and then twisting people’s anger to suit their own, very dubious, divisive and dangerous agendas.
Getting away from the fear porn merchants, rage baiters, pedants and grifters 30.12.24
A significant minority of the ‘truth movement’ never really got the hang of rejecting all authority, false idols and grifters. The inability to do this was the reason for what I would describe as their fall from grace. Particularly with the way some of them are looking to Trump to be some kind of saviour. Seriously? For f**k sake!
What is the petition calling for another general election about? 27.11.24
The blunt truth is that no election is going to change that. Real change will only happen when the corporations and bankers who pull the strings of government are confronted and ultimately taken down, once and for all. That requires a revolution. One that needs to be built from the grassroots upwards without any hierarchies or leaders, not the vanguardist crap that ends up replacing one shite system with another. I don’t for one minute claim to have any kind of a blueprint for a revolution. All I can say is don’t trust self styled leaders, messiahs and/or vanguardists under any circumstances.
I'm back to commenting on the weirdness... 8.11.24
Then there are the people who think they are part of what some have dubbed as being the 'truth movement' that came into existence in the face of the Covid 'crisis' restrictions, lockdowns and vaccine mandates, who now think that Trump is going to be some sort of saviour. Where do you actually start in educating these people? Is it even worth bothering to try to educate them? Were any of them actually paying any real attention at all to what has been getting done to us over the last five years? Does the phrase 'two cheeks of the same globalist' arse mean anything to them? There are so many questions to be asked... As it will inevitably become abundantly clear whose interests Trump is really serving, I hope that the scales will fall off the eyes of these people and that they'll properly wake up to what's really going on.
Right, I’ve given you memes, the text used from the memes and links to blog posts where I argue that people still relying on the ballot box for an alternative need to take a serious look at themselves. I would be more than grateful if my readers could spread all of this around as far as possible so that the message that radical change can only come from us at the grassroots starts to get through. In an ideal world, I wouldn’t have to be putting posts like this up. You don’t need me to tell you that we live in a deeply flawed and increasingly dystopian world, and that there’s work to be done to change that.
Dave A
The thing is that most people have no threshold for legitimacy, no defined line where they admit the system is irreparably corrupt.
As long as there's no measuring stick there then the system can be completely corrupt and is legitimized mostly by group think pertaining to what's been normalized in the culture, aka falling into the bandwagon fallacy. Just as soon as something is normalized then people simply assume the commonly held belief is true and will scoff at the idea that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
I know,I know, I know. Goes without saying!