Forget 10-15 years. We have that now, with Deans of other universities booing Federal Court Justices, Conservative speakers, and radio hosts. We've had these people working at major newspapers and platforms like youtube, Twitter, and Facebook.

People have been removed from platforms for saying things as simple as "If you take the second amendment away, only criminals will have guns." or "There is no such thing as Trans, you can't change your sex." or even "There is no such thing as a transwoman or man, if you think you are the other sex, you have a mental problem." or even, "The vaccine doesn't work."

I went to college twice, once for a bachelor of science in computer science and then again for an associate of science in radiology sciences. I couldn't do it today because I feel I'd hit someone who refused to listen to a good debate. I would unglue the person's hand from the floor or run over them. I find that I have no patience for close-minded idiots.

But then, I'm a half-century old, plus three years.

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I personally feel like the tides have turned on the trans issue, but maybe I'm being overly optimistic...

Specifically, I think that the trans demand that Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese) become gender-neutral will be resisted tooth and nail by simple force of habit.

Changing one's entire language is a big ask.

Do people know how frigging hard it is to learn another language?? There's a big pay-off to learning another language, which makes the tremendous effort worth it. What's the pay-off in changing your own language to please aggro-delusionists?

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If this story from Manchester is anything to go by, it looks as though the tide is starting to turn:

The battle at Birchfields: Sex, relationships and ugliness at a Manchester primary school


As this school is in a predominantly Muslim area of Manchester, some critics are trying to make out this is about conservative religious values and to a slightly lesser extent, race. However, I can see the potential for something similar happening at schools in the working class outer suburbs on the southern side of Bristol such as Hartcliffe where the population is majority white.

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I saw an Instagram page for a Montreal-based migrant solidarity group called Solidarity Across Borders supporting a counter-protest against people protesting a drag show for kids and I asked them - what does this have to do with supporting migrant rights?

Shortly thereafter, the hit piece targeting Nevermore came out.

Are these two things connected? Maybe. Maybe not. The timing could be coincidental. Or not.

But I bring it up to point out that the Left now conflates issues that have nothing to do with each other... supporting migrants is one thing and strip shows for kids are another.

And obviously, very few people from Africa, the Middle East or Asia would support drag shows for kids and would probably think that you were insane if you tried to explain the concept.

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