Anarchist movement has been a pile of crap since forever.

Our society already is an anarchy, government is a crime syndicate with no authority aside from extortion and violence.

Those groups have always been created and used by powerful groups to destabilise enemy governments and usher in new ones. They are commonly purged afterwards for the threat they pose.

Congratulations on staying away from the suicide squads.

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''Oppressive language.'' But they don't lineate what constitutes said oppressive language.

I'm afraid that 21st C anarchism has gone down the swannee ... they now appear to be nothing more than a bunch of woke, leftie W o|---)'s

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Well I've always worked on the assumption we decide and think for ourselves. Hence the blunt fact that utopia is a philosophical non achievable theory since my utopia won't be yours, nor yours mine.

I have trans family members I accept. If someone says they're male, I see them as male, female as female, and accept whatever names they give me. Why not? Makes life simpler, no arguments. Sexual orientation? Their business, not mine, so I don't ask. They'll tell me if they want me to know, or I will ask if I'm that interested! I want freedom of speech, freedom of thought for others, not just for me - only a few barriers, no whipping up physical violence, bigotry causing active discrimination. I can't dictate how someone else thinks or believes, because I won't let you do that to me! I easily accept genitalia can come in muddled forms, and adapted forms, post surgery. That's an personal matter. Science reckons genetics provides a wide range of possible chromosome combinations, which also seems reasonable, and yours isn't my business, and vice versa.

So far as children are concerned, section 28 caused mayhem. Any new attempt to legislate, one way or another, to force education or medical procedures to rigidly follow a set pattern will likely go the same way. Research keeps changing things, culture itself flows to and fro ( whether we like it or not), the internet and social media influence matters considerably.

Anarchism isn't anarchy.......unless we let it become that way I suppose.

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