Two points:

Under the Albanian dictatorship (which I have just been writing about) the regime brought all food production and agriculture under its control. Even the keeping of 'private' chickens was banned. By the time the regime collapsed, the population was on food rations and required international aid.

The British government has just announced that households need to register to keep chickens.

I suggest that people don't comply.

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Nice one, inspiring, like you say, especially as these examples developed within the context of societal breakdown. Like AK points out though, there are moves afoot to limit and/or hinder the potential of these systems. Getting around those will be where the community aspect of this will come in handy. A good idea to get projects like these up and running sooner rather than later, proactive rather than reactive, so then when the smelly stuff really hits the spinning thing that's felt as more of a bump in the road than a full-on crash.

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