Better than any election report in the local media.

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On the Council website and also reported by the press, 965, 846, 873 votes cast for the 3 Labour candidates alone out of a total 1,844.

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I'm hearing a few other reports about voting figures not making sense across Bristol. It does make you wonder what's going on, doesn't it?

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It's confusing but I figure you get three votes. So 3x1844. It's my ward and of course I didn't vote.

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Neat analysis of the local election results. What happened - or rather, did NOT happen, as in lack of voting - in Bristol is to me a microcosm of what is going on in the wider world. More and more working class people (dare I even use that expression these days?) have been disengaged from the political process. Unfortunately the powers that be will ignore this and quite happily claim popular support on the basis of that minority who still turn out to vote.

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