Following your own path, according to your own sense of right and wrong, can only be a good thing.

I am more optimistic than you, regarding the existence of a new resistance movement. For sure, the "truth and freedom" movement had been infiltrated by bad actors, many of whom later revealed themselves as such.

But there is still a mass of decent people who have aligned around an opposition to the system that surpasses previous political categories. I have exchanged - in real life and online - with people from England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and more.

And I honestly feel that we share the fundamental principles on which we can build a successful uprising against the dark enslaving empire.

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Living politically homeless is a marvelous idea. For what politics and politician can ever lead you anywhere but to your destruction?

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The global failure of the left over covid should have been the last nail in the coffin.

I agree with you - everything is about division and atomisation now. Class-based analysis seems very old fashioned. 😀 i think you and I are around the same age maybe we’re dinosaurs?

Thanks for writing and sharing.

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I'm 68 so yes, there are probably quite a few younger people who do see me as a dinosaur! However, I find the older I get, the more flexible and open my thinking is becoming:)

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It's definitely not to do with age. I know so many older people who still believe in the system, even though they see themselves as open-minded. Since 2020 I've puzzled about what divides those who can see what's happening from those who can't, and still can't totally put my finger on it. It's more to do with gut response to world events than where we are in life though.

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When I think about it, I've never had a political home...

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One phenomenON, 2 phenomenA !

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