Something's telling me that it's important not to play their game and get sucked into responding to what we see in the media, though. The whisper of conscription is probably equally meant to frighten and distract us as the predictive programming for war.
I think you have a point in that there's an aspect of the powers that be testing the water to gauge the level of support for any (escalation of) the conflict with Russia. While I don't want to get sucked into the game of responding to the provocations of the warmongers in the UK, I feel it's important to send out the message that working class people here aren't buying the messaging and when push comes to shove, will likely kick off against it. Hence the stickers to a) send the message out to the powers that be and b) to seriously get under the skin of the liberals calling for an escalation in tensions. So, if you can help with stickering, it would be appreciated...communication via the usual channels:)
Dead right. Lisa and yourself are well ahead of the curve on this. "It is no coincidence that those beating the war drums in London are the same individuals who supported the Iraq invasion and opposed the outcome of the EU referendum that led to Brexit."
Sure, I'll do some stickering.
Something's telling me that it's important not to play their game and get sucked into responding to what we see in the media, though. The whisper of conscription is probably equally meant to frighten and distract us as the predictive programming for war.
I think you have a point in that there's an aspect of the powers that be testing the water to gauge the level of support for any (escalation of) the conflict with Russia. While I don't want to get sucked into the game of responding to the provocations of the warmongers in the UK, I feel it's important to send out the message that working class people here aren't buying the messaging and when push comes to shove, will likely kick off against it. Hence the stickers to a) send the message out to the powers that be and b) to seriously get under the skin of the liberals calling for an escalation in tensions. So, if you can help with stickering, it would be appreciated...communication via the usual channels:)
Dead right. Lisa and yourself are well ahead of the curve on this. "It is no coincidence that those beating the war drums in London are the same individuals who supported the Iraq invasion and opposed the outcome of the EU referendum that led to Brexit."